Learn Art from your Favorite Animal

 ARCHITECT ANIMALS AND THEIR MAGNIFICENT CONSTRUCTIONS The secrets of architecture are not reserved for men! The proof with these surprising constructions witch demonstrate that certain animals become real builders when it comes to building their homes, hunting or defending themselves against predators. Birds, insects, mammals, and fish: each order of the animal kingdom is represented. […]

Sketching by Hand,where Lines Tell Timeless Stories

In architecture, the sketch is much more than a mere drawing—it is the language of creation, a tool of exploration that captures the birth of an idea in its most primal form. As renowned architect Juhani Pallasmaa notes, “The hand is the extension of the mind”—the sketch allows an architect to think visually, translating abstract thoughts into tangible lines on paper. This first stroke is a moment of discovery, where the architect begins to articulate space, form, and proportion.